36. Applied Research Institute Jerusalem. Environmental Profile for the West Bank, Volume 8: Tulkarm District. Jerusalem: ARIJ, 1996.
Through surveys and field research authors developed a database on the environmental situation in West Bank districts including the Tulkarm district. It is hoped that this profile and others will assist in future environmental planning and protection of the environment. The report reviews the topography, climate, socioeconomic characteristics, and demography of the district. In spite of the fact that the Tulkarm district overlies three aquifer systems, it suffers from water shortage as well as poor water quality. According to the survey conducted by ARIJ, only 30% of the houses in the Tulkarm district are connected to a sewerage network. Solid waste management is also suffering from lack of labor and vehicles to collect and transport solid waste from residential areas to dumping sites. The health sector in the Tulkarm district includes 68 primary health care clinics and three hospitals, in addition to four rehabilitation centers. The report also previews the geology, soil, agriculture, and irrigation practices in the district. Tulkarm provides the West Bank with 29% of its irrigated land. Therefore, there is a need to invest in the agricultural sector and develop the Palestinian agro-industry in the district. Similar to all West Bank districts, domestic wastewater disposal in Tulkarm is handled by an on-site system, and sewerage collection networks are only serving the localities under municipality supervision. The two refugee camps in the district for example are not completely connected to the sewerage network. Dumping of domestic and industrial wastewater directly into streams is a major problem and source of water pollution in Tulkarm. In addition, uncontrolled solid waste dumping is the prevalent disposal method in both urban and rural areas in the district. The report concludes with a chapter on air and noise pollution as well as recommendations most of which call for establishing proper waste management systems.