38. Christian Aid and ICCO. Policy Document: The Palestinians. Draft Version. For The Period 1996-2000. 1995: 59 pp.
This document by Christian Aid and Interchurch Organization for Development Cooperation represents a joint policy paper for 1996 through 2000. Part I describes the overall context in which CA and ICCO performs their work. This includes the history of Palestinians up until and including the present time of the peace process. The role of women in Palestinian society is also discussed, as is the water conflict, the role of the NGOs in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and how international aid affects Israeli and Palestinian economic development, respectively. Part II describes ICCOs mission in Palestine as well as its general policy. Christian Aids was not included in this draft. Part III includes an analysis of the current political situation and the role both organizations see themselves as playing. Finally, a description of the organizations future goals and priorities are given. Funding for activities in the health area will be switched from an emphasis on the provision of primary health care to an emphasis on promoting health awareness and the needs of marginalized groups.