59. UNICEF. Program Document: Anaemia Control and Growth Monitoring Appraisal, West Bank and Gaza Strip. UNICEF, Jerusalem, 1992, 60 pp.
A review of the existing growth monitoring and anemia control practices and policies in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is presented. Data were collected by conducting interviews with key managers and, in a few cases by actual observation in clinics and other health centers.
Government and UNRWA MCH centers have written protocols for growth monitoring of children up to three years of age. Only UNRWA MCH centers have written protocols for anemia control, tests used and cut off levels, as well as age and sex specific criteria for classification of anemia. However, staff shortages in government and UNRWA health centers may pose a problem for implementing these written protocols.
All NGOs lack written protocols and policies, and their is a wide variation between their practices. However, assessment of the NGO sector as a whole is difficult due to the wide variations between the different NGOs.
A protocol for prevention diagnosis and management of anaemia is presented. The aim of this document, as presented by UNICEF, is to promote discussions and to assist in developing nutrition programs related to the topics discussed in therein.