7.  Isaac, J., and Ghanyem, M. Environmental Degradation and the Israeli Palestinian Conflict Bethlehem: The Applied Research Institute- Jerusalem, 2003: 35pp.

This paper will try to address the environmental problems in Palestine defined here as the West Bank and Gaza, including East Jerusalem, out of a conviction that sustainable peace is only possible through just and equitable utilization and management of natural resources between Israelis and Palestinians. The report gives a detailed description of confiscation of Palestinian land for Jewish colonies and in addition to that gives a summary of some of the violations done by the Israeli government; depletion of water resources, pollution caused by Jewish settlers, industrial wastes from the Jewish colonies, deforestation and uprooting of trees, desertification, illegal movement of hazardous waste from Israel to Palestine, solid wastes management in Palestine, noise pollution, Palestinian wastewater and transportation and air pollution problems.