13. Wick, L. Birth at the Checkpoint, the Home or the Hospital? Adapting to the Changing Reality in Palestine. Birzeit: BZUICPH, 2002: 10 pp.
This paper gives a brief background of the characteristics and practices of the licensed community midwives in the West Bank, who had assisted birthing women at home for decades and who have once again during the past few months of the Intifada fulfilled this vital function. The paper then describes how the place of birth has been gradually changing in the past years. Some of the challenges that need to be met for safe and satisfying childbirth for Palestinian women and newborns are also described, including the importance of creating and supporting policies and structures which reinforce different options for place of birth and type of birth attendant. Specific examples of emergency childbirth are raised, illustrating the broader issue of the need to obtain the basic human right of safe childbirth for all Palestinian women and children.