14. 'Abed, Y., Edda'ma, M., Zada, I.D. Health of School Children 6 - 12 Years. Gaza Strip. Rural and Urban Localities. Presented to the WHO Training Workshop on health services research in primary health care in the West Bank and Gaza. Jerusalem: 1987, 37 pp.
A pilot health screening survey was carried out in two rural and two urban schools in the Gaza strip. A total of 450 students were surveyed from the 6 - 7 (n=197), 11-12 (n=199) and 17-18 years (n=54) age groups. Forty percent showed some tooth decay and 3.3% had fillings. 6.9% had 6/9 visual acuity and 2% had 6/12 or less visual acuity 'percent had eye glasses. Three hundred and twenty-five stool samples were analyzed by direct smear (not from the 17-18 age group). Parasite prevalence was 30% A. lumbricoides (68% in rural schools) and 11% G. lamblia. T. tricura was not reported. Three hundred and ninety-five blood samples were analyzed. 36.5% had anemia.