17. Abu Libdeh, H., Smith, C., Nabris, K., and Shahin, M. A Survey of Infant and Child Mortality in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. UNICEF, Jerusalem Family Planning and Protection Association: 1992, 43 pp.
A survey conducted during the winter of 1991/1992 on 3,745 randomly selected households in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to determine infant and child mortality rates in the area. An infant mortality rate of 41/1,000 (95% confidence interval 34 - 50 / 1,000) and a child mortality rate of 51/1,000 (95% confidence interval 46 - 60 / 1,00) were determined. The rates were lower for males than for females. However, the authors suggest treating sex-related estimates with caution due to possible under-reporting or misclassification. Both IMR and CMR were found to be highest in the southern part of the West Bank.