21. El Barbari, M. and Downer, M. C. Dental Caries Experience Among 12-Year-Old Children in the Gaza Strip. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 1993; 21: 321-322.

The article describes a study aimed at comparing dental caries status among children in government and UNRWA schools in Gaza Strip. The overall mean DMFT of the sample was 0.52 and 74% of the sample was caries-free. The mean DMFT was significantly higher in government schools compared with UNRWA schools and in females compared with males. The natural fluoride content in the area's water supply is believed to be responsible for the overall low incidence of caries. It is also concluded that the lower incidence of caries among children in UNRWA schools most probably is an outcome of the free dental care provided by UNRWA to the refugee population. However, the authors suggest that dental services are inadequate, given that 90% of all caries incidences consisted of untreated decay.