28. Dudin, A., Thalji, A., Rambaud-Cousson, A., and Zughayar, G. Neonatal Unit Activity at Makassed Hospital 1986-1992. Bull. Palest. Ch. Soc. 1994; 1,2: 121-142.

The article presents an account of the activities of the neonatal care unit at Makassed Hospital in Jerusalem between 1986-1992 with a focusing on particular local neonatal problems. The article presents data and graphs of deliveries and their outcomes at the hospital. The high percentage of neonatal problems encountered reflects the nature of this facility as a referral site for high-risk cases. The authors indicate a need for further development of neonatal care in Palestine. The establishment of neonatal units in other areas such as Gaza, Nablus and Hebron was considered a priority. The potential to train the required staff at Makassed Hospital is discussed.