45. 'Obeid, Y., 'Acker, C., 'Ateeq, O., Abu Dahou, J. School Health Screening of School Children Aged 6 - 12 Years and Evaluation of the Present School Health System. Paper presented to the WHO health services research workshop, 1987, 28 pp.

One thousand and ninety-four school children in the 6 and 12 year age groups were screened in localities in Ramallah and Hebron. The following are the results:

- 6.1% needed eye glasses.
- 1.4% had diseased eyes.
- 14% had blocked ears and 2.1% had perforated tympanic membranes.
- 6.7% had blood in urine.
- 1% had undescended testicles.
- 2.6% had blood in stools.
- 15.4% had one or more type of intestinal parasites:

Amoeba 4.7%

Giardia 9.9%

Tapeworms 1.7%

- 12% had lice.
- 0.5% had scabies.

The authors conclude by criticizing the current school health system.

- The efficacy of current screening examinations is questionable as only about two minutes are given for each student.
- A medical history cannot be taken from a six year old child.
- There is no follow-up mechanism.

A new system is suggested which would include screening, follow-up and health education.