46. 'Odeh, J. Congenital Dislocation of the Hip: The Influence of Certain Factors, including the Practice of Swaddling. A Study in the Village of Biddu. MSC Dissertation, London University, 1988.

A cross-sectional survey of 256 children under the age of three years was carried out in the village of Biddu in 1988. A highly significant correlation between swaddling and the presence of hip disorders was found. The prevalence of dislocated hips in swaddled children (n=157) was 10% as compared to 3% in non-swaddled children.

The effect was even more pronounced when the duration of swaddling was taken into account. Twenty-eight percent of the children who were swaddled for more than 150 days had hip disorders. The author recommends that a health education program discouraging swaddling be established in the village.