57. Smith, C., Nabris, K., Shahin, M., Abu Libdeh, H. A Survey of Infant Feeding Patterns in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. UNICEF, Jerusalem Family Planning And Protection Association, 1992, 61 pp.

A KAP study concerning infant feeding patterns conducted in late 1991 and early 1992 of a sample of West Bank and Gaza Strip mothers. Main conclusions and recommendations include:

- There is need for education aimed at reducing the prevalence of bottle feeding of infants, early weaning and inappropriate introduction of solids;
- There is need for education concerning prevalent perception that breast milk alone is not enough for the infant and concerning incorrect management of breast feeding during sickness of either mother or infant;
- There is need for education concerning the process of milk production as few of the surveyed mothers noted the effect of frequent breast feeding on lactation;
- Breast feeding as a means for birth spacing is widely known among mo. However, there is need for further education concerning the importance of frequent and exclusive breast feeding;
- There is need for education concerning the introduction of solid foods to infants;
- There is need for promotion of techniques for sustaining breast feeding but not promotion of prolonged breast feeding by itself as most surveyed mothers intended to breast feed into the second year but discontinued despite this intention.