58. El-Teebi, A.J., El-Ebweini, S.M. Improving Antenatal Care and Institutional Delivery Coverage in the Gaza Strip. Presented to the WHO Training workshop on health services research in primary health care in the West Bank and Gaza, Jerusalem, 1987, 35 pp.
A survey of 687 women giving birth in the Gaza Strip between April 21 and April 30 of 1987 was carried out, investigating the knowledge, attitude and practices of the women in relation to antenatal care. Nineteen percent of the deliveries were at home, 50% in hospital and 22% in government or UNRWA clinics. Eighty-seven percent of the women received some kind of antenatal care, 65% in UNRWA clinics, and 27% in government clinics. Eighty-four percent of the mothers received antenatal care for the first time during their second trimester. The main reason given for non-attendance of antenatal care was "no time because of work with family". Fifty-five percent of the sampled women had no health insurance.