64. UNICEF. The Situation of Palestinian Children and Women in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, 1997. Jerusalem: UNICEF, 1997, 74 pp.
UNICEF continuously monitors and periodically reviews the situation of children and women in the West Bank an Gaza Strip. This report, based on the latest information available serves to: 1) assess the condition of children and women, 2) identify the factors responsible for positive and negative developments, 3) select priority areas for interventions to promote the rights and needs of children and women, and 4) monitor the progress over time. Subjects discussed include political and socio-economic developments, the Convention of the Rights of the Child, child health, maternal and woman¢s health, education, early childhood development and non-formal education, children in need of special protection and gender and development. Relevant data are presented and conclusions and recommendations are given. Overall, the report concludes that women¢s and children¢s health situation appears vulnerable but reasonably good.