8. Madi, H. Infant and Child Mortality Rates among Palestinian Refugee Populations. The Lancet 2000; 356, 9226: 312.
The study estimates infant and early child mortality rates among Palestinian refugees using maternal and child services in Jordan, Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria. Early childhood mortality per 1000 live births was 35 in Jordan, 36 in Gaza, 37 in Lebanon, and 32 in Syria. Infant mortality rates were 32 in Jordan, 33 in Gaza, 35 in Lebanon, and 29 in Syria. The study covered all health facilities in and outside camps run by UNRWA in Jordan, Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria. The study targeted mothers of newborn infants who had two children or more, and came to the agency’s primary health-care facilities during the study period to register their newborn infants during a 3-month period from March 1, 1997, to May 31, 1997. 18 727 women with more than one child who attended the agency’s primary health-care facilities to register their newborn babies in Jordan (n=7730), Gaza (7690), Lebanon (1797), and Syria (1510) participated in the study.