10. Issac,J., Kharoub,J., Mourad,H., and Hrimat,N. The Nutritional Status in Palestine. Jerusalem: Applied Research Institute, 1995: 11pp.

This paper presents the nutritional status of the population of Palestine using several indicators.  The amount of kilocalories consumed per capita in the West Bank and Gaza Strip were 2900, well above WHO standards of 2480 Kcal for the average person to lead a health active life.  However, the quality of food consumed in Palestine and the deterioration of nutritional levels since the Intifada in 1987 are causes for concern.  A discussion of the degree to which various types of foods are consumed is then undertaken as well as a comparison of nutritional habits of Palestine versus other countries in the Middle East Region.  Malnourishment, in recent years, has been shown to be a common cause of anemia.  This paper concludes by stressing the need for education on proper nutrition and a development of the economy so that a good quality of foods is available to all Palestinians.