13. Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics and Birzeit University. Nutritional Survey-2002: Analytical report. Palestine: PCBS and ICPH, 2002: 109 pp.

This is the analytical report of the nutritional survey that considered indicators that influence child nutrition, in addition to measuring hemoglobin levels and growth parameters for children aged between 6-59 months. The targeted population consisted of all Palestinian households residing in the Palestinian territory. The master sample is the sample frame of the 1997 census data. The main conclusion of the survey was that nutritional indicators in children were influenced by two major determinants; one is poverty, which includes income, type of dwelling, crowding and durable amenities, as well as source of income and change in food consumption. Two is availability, accessibility, and affordability of health services, and the ineffective policy of the MCH clinics in the management of iron deficiency anemia.