23. Hassan, K., Sullivan, K., Yip, R., and Woodruff, B. A. Factors Associated with Anemia in Refugee Children. Journal of Nutrition 1997; 127: 2194-2198.

This article describes a nutrition survey conducted in 1990 among children under 3 years of age living in Palestinian refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon. Overall, 67% were anemic, with higher rates in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon. Factors associated with anemia included lack of breast-feeding, male sex, maternal illiteracy, recent or current episodes of fever or diarrhea, and stunting. The authors recommend promoting appropriate breast-feeding and weaning practices, iron fortification of commonly used foods, promotion of foods with high iron and vitamin C content, reduction of tea consumption, and consideration of oral iron supplementation if dietary improvements cannot be instituted.