35. Yip, R., Keller, W., Woodruff, B., Sullivan, K. Report of the UNRWA Nutrition Survey of Palestinian Refugees in Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and the West Bank. UNRWA, 1990.
The report comprises a survey of the nutritional status of Palestinian refugee children and the nutritional status of refugee women of child bearing age in all UNRWA fields. The nutritional status of children was assessed using growth charts. A comparison is made between this survey and the results of a similar survey conducted in 1984.
The prevalence of low hematocrit for age was 6.3% in the West Bank and 7.6% in Gaza. The prevalence of low weight for height was 1.8% in the West Bank and in Gaza. The prevalence of low weight for age was 3.9% in the West Bank and 4.5% in Gaza. The pre valence of anemia among children (hemoglobin concentration of less than 11 mg%) was 57.8% in the West Bank and 70.3% in Gaza. The mean hemoglobin concentration among pregnant women in the third trimester was 11.4 mg% in the West Bank and 10.8 mg% in Gaza. The prevalence of anemia was lower among men and was mainly due to iron deficiency.
The authors present a number of recommendations for improving the nutritional status of Palestinian refugees in all UNRWA fields.