5. Al Quds University and Johns Hopkins University. Preliminary Findings of the Nutritional Assessment and Sentinel Surveillance System for West Bank and Gaza. USAID and Care International, 2002: 22pp.
This report provides the preliminary findings of the complete household survey, which directly measure levels of acute and chronic malnutrition and anemia and evaluate food consumption, and the market survey, that determines the market’s capacity to function. The main results of this study show that moderate and sever acute malnutrition in West Bank is 4.3% and 13.2% in Gaza Strip, as for chronic malnutrition the rates were 3.5% in the West Bank and 17.5% in Gaza, anemia for children ages 6-59 months was 20.9% in the West Bank and 18.9% in Gaza, and the rate of anemia for non-pregnant women ages 15-49 was 9.5% in the West Bank and 12% in Gaza.