5. Al-Kernawi,A., Slonim-Nevo,V., Maymon,Y., and Al-Kernawi,S. Psychological Responses to Blood Vengeance Among Arab Adolescents. Child Abuse and Neglect 2001; 25,4: 457-472.

The goal of this study is to investigate the well being of Arab adolescents who lie under the threat of ongoing blood vengeance, and to assess the impact of socio-demographic characteristics, cultural context, and family functioning as a mediator factor. The participants of this study demonstrated higher levels of distress and symptomatic behavior as compared to the Israeli norms. In a series of multiple regression, General Family Functioning emerged as the major predictor associated with mental health. Female participants reported a higher anxiety level than their male counterparts. Male participants, on the other hand, were more willing to continue the feud of blood vengeance. The findings suggested that there are similarities among children and adolescents who live under a threatening blood vengeance. Family functioning appears as the major mediator of well being.