55. Giacaman R, Institute of Community and Public Health, Psycho-Social/Mental Health Care in the  Occupied    Palestinian Territories (The Embryonic System). 2004;103.

The study maps the extent of institutional provision of psycho-social/mental health services. It represents an assessment of the terrain of psycho-social/mental health care in the Palestinian Occupied Territorries. It started in WB ( 2002-2003) while in Gaza it started in(2003-2004).In WB (34) institutions were included while in GZ(23). Questionnaires were sent to directors and psycho-social/mental health workers.

Different institutions supporting these services were included governmental, UNRWA, NGOs. Case loads problems presented by workers 90% of case loadsrepresented anxiety,stress and fear.Methods of intervention used by workers were cited.

Many obstacles were reported 62% of obstacles impede the professional development.

There is a need to further develop coordinating policy regarding the nature and scope of psycho-social/mental health care within the Palestinian context.Organizations providing these services need to review their policies and strategies.(this study is available Arabic/Eng)