56.Nadia Dabbagh.Report on Parasuicide in Palestinian Society of the West Bank

Institute of Community & Public Health Birzeit University,2000,107 pages

Summary of PHD thesis.

The study focus on “suicide phenomenon” in Palestine society. Two predominant cultural categories are identified for self-killing :suicide and martyrdom. In many countries fatal suicide attempts rank among the top ten causes of death for individuals of all ages and among the 3 leading causes of death for those aged 15 to 34 years. Suicidal behaviour has taken three broad approaches: psychological, biological and social. The study collect and examine al the information on suicidal behaviour from all possible sources and see if some kind of basic epidemiological picture could be pieced together .And to see whether there  was any correlation between suicideand such factors as age,six or marital status.the most public and widely available  sources of suicide statistics are local newspapers.92% were attapted suicides;while 8% are fatal.the most common method used is drugs.Suicide attempts are mainly amongesst young people and 18-24 group is the largest.the oldest age group >45 has most cases of fatal suicide.developing the political and economical situation is important to reduce stress levels;also the provision of employment for men.