7. De Jong, J., Komproe, I., and Ommeren, M. Common Mental Disorders in Post conflict Settings. Lancet 2003; 361, 9375: 2128–2130.
This study assesses 3048 respondents from post conflict communities in Algeria, Cambodia, Ethiopia, and Palestine with the aim of establishing the prevalence of mood disorder, somatoform disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other anxiety disorders, since the Research into post conflict psychiatric sequelae in low-income countries has been focused largely on symptoms rather than on full psychiatric diagnostic assessment. PTSD and other anxiety disorders were the most frequent problems. In three countries, PTSD was the most likely disorder in individuals exposed to violence associated with armed conflict, but such violence was a common risk factor for various disorders and co morbidity combinations in different settings. In three countries, anxiety disorder was reported most in people who had not been exposed to such violence. Experience of violence associated with armed conflict was associated with higher rates of disorder that ranged from a risk ratio of 2·10 (95% CI 1·38–2·85) for anxiety in Algeria to 10·03 (5·26–16·65) for PTSD in Palestine. Post conflict mental health programs should address a range of common disorders beyond PTSD