19. Central National Committee for Rehabilitation. Guidelines for the National Rehabilitation Policy in the West Bank and Gaza. CNCR, 1992, 14 pp.

The problem of disability among Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is accentuated by Israeli army violence. The average disability rate in the West Bank and Gaza Strip is estimated at 3 - 4%, yielding 60,000-80,000 disabled persons. About 60, 000 need some form of rehabilitation, 25,000 of whom reside in the Gaza Strip.

Services for the disabled are provided through UNRWA and non-governmental organizations. Due to lack of policy, the existing services are underdeveloped, not comprehensive and mainly emphasize on bio-medical and long term institutional care.

The goal of the Central National Committee for Rehabilitation, as indicated by this document, is to develop a rational comprehensive rehabilitation system that emphasizes social integration of the disabled in society through community-based rehabilitation supported by secondary and tertiary institutional services. Coordination among existing rehabilitation facilities is stressed. Projects that catalyze the formation of organizations of the disabled and facilitating their employment are also given priority.