25. Giacaman, R. The Disabled in the Village of Nahalin. Caritas Baby Hospital Rural Health Team, 1991.

The report describes a survey that was carried out in the village of Nahalin in the Bethlehem district. A total of 80 disabled persons were identified in the community who required assistance in daily life activities. Seventy-one percent of the disabilities were physical and 29% were mental in nature. Forty-three percent of the disabilities were hearing and speaking impairments that were mainly related to mental disabilities.

The survey showed that there were twice as many disabled males than females in the community. This was attributed to selective neglect of disabled females by their carers. Cousin marriages and poverty were shown to affect the prevalence rate of disability among the Nahalin families.

Some interventions are suggested. The main focus was on community-based rehabilitation rather than the institutional approach.