26. Giacaman, R., Daibes, I. Towards the Formulation of a Rehabilitation Policy: Disability in the West Bank. 1989, 48 pp.
The report presents some guidelines for a local policy on rehabilitation and includes two surveys: a hospital/clinic based survey of uprising injuries, and a survey of existing institutions for the care of disabled.
A total of 473 serious injuries were documented, most between the period between March of 1988 and March of 1989. Of these, 435 were males and 55% were below 20 years of age. Of this total, 197 were serious permanent injuries. Injuries included 40 paraplegics/quadriplegics; 7 amputations; 10 severe head injuries; and 31 peripheral nerve damage cases. Eye injuries were not included in the survey but it is noted that St. John's hospital has performed about 130 enucleations during the uprising.
The general prevalence of disabilities is reviewed and it is estimated that, in addition to disabilities arising from Israeli army violence, 30,000 - 37,500 people in the West Bank and 30,000 - 37,500 in the Gaza Strip are in need of rehabilitation.
In the second study, 57 institutions providing services to the handicapped were documented. The study concludes with a discussion of the need for a variety of rehabilitation services and emphasizes the importance of community-based care strategies. It is proposed that a coordinating committee of local institutions be formed to develop a more detailed plan.