33. Maas, L. E. M. Competencies Required of Physiotherapists to Play an Effective Role in Community Based Rehabilitation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Master's Thesis, Dundee University, 1997: 311 pp.

This study aims to shed some light on the possible role physiotherapists could play in Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) and what competencies they need to play this role effectively. The critical incident technique, which collects behavioral data about the ingredients of professional competence, was used on a sample of fifty CBR workers. A list of competencies was identified from this and used as a basis for identifying competencies using the Delphi method. This method was used to provide a consensus of group expert opinion among 20 program managers and coordinators. The author gives a detailed description of every competency identified. Overall, the competencies are based on the principles of CBR as a community development strategy.