37. Ministry of Social Affairs and Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. The Study of Developing Rehabilitation Services on the Intermediate Specialized Level in the Districts of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The First Report - Districts of the Central West Bank. Ramallah, 1997: 101 pp.
In Arabic only.This report presents the results and outcomes of a study of rehabilitation services on the intermediate level. The study is a part of a joint effort between the Ministry of Social Affairs, PCBS, the National Central Committee for Rehabilitation and Diakonia/NAD. The study consists of two parts: a comprehensive survey of services offered by rehabilitation institutions on the intermediate level and a sample survey of people with special needs to assess their needs for such services. Forty-five institutions were found to offer rehabilitation services on the intermediate level in the Central West Bank. Twenty-five of those were located in Ramallah District. Of the total number, 56% were run by local NGOs and only 9% were run by the Palestinian Authority. Results indicate that, in general, the size of services offered by the institutions is less than their maximum capacity. The authors provide a number of recommendations that call for expansion of services of some institutions to increase their catchment area, balancing the geographic distribution of services according to the distribution of needs, balancing services offered on the intermediate level according to the distribution of disability types in the area, and expansion of community-based rehabilitation services to cover all communities in the area.