39. Northern Regional Committee for Rehabilitation. A Study of 22 Palestinian Villages in the Jenin District with Special Reference to the Needs of Persons with Disabilities. NRCR, 1994: 103 pp.
In Arabic and English.

This report presents basic information on 22 villages in the Jenin District. The data that was collected using a house-to-house survey will be used to inform a community-based rehabilitation program (CBR). The Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees and the Patient’s Friends Society in Jenin launched this program. The report denotes the markedly underdeveloped living conditions of the surveyed communities, relative to other parts of the West Bank. The disability rate was found to be 1.9%. Indicators of social integration were low for both male and female disabled persons, with female experiencing a lower level of integration. It is concluded that the CBR program should address three main issues: disability prevention, changing attitudes towards disability and the development of intermediate referral services for disability within the Jenin District.