44. Saunders, C.A. A Study of the Prevalence of Handicapped Conditions Affecting Children, and a Case Finding Intervention in the Refugee Camp Population of the Gaza Strip. Produced for the Society for the Care of Handicapped Children, Gaza, 1985: 40 pp.

A stratified survey was conducted of the Gaza Strip refugee camp population to establish the prevalence of handicaps amongst children. A total of 61,144 persons were included in the sample from all eight camps (27% of the total camp population). Fifty-nine percent of marriages were between first cousins.

Findings concerning handicap conditions included the following: in the 0-5 years group 0.41% showed developmental delay, 0.1% showed severe developmental delay, 1.2% had severe mental handicap, 0.6% Down's syndrome, 0.13% epilepsy, 0.02% hydrocephalus, O.02% spinal bifida, 0.05% diplegia, 0.06% quadriplegia, 0.01% hemiplegia, 0.06% blind or partially sighted and 0.13% profound or severe hearing loss. Similar data was presented for the 6-15 age group. The findings are used to estimate the total number of handicap conditions in different age groups for the whole Gaza Strip.

The author makes several recommendations. First, handicapped children should be encouraged to remain within the normal school system. The Society for the Care of the handicapped outreach program should be developed. Access to mobility aids be improved. A special school for the hearing impaired must be established. Mental handicap services must be expanded. Multiple handicap education must be provided. Finally, some residential care be considered.