48. Verhoeff, T. Physiotherapy,  Gaza and West Bank. International Committee of the Red Cross, 1989: 12 pp.

Nine physical therapy facilities are identified in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. The report concludes that children with hemiplegia and cerebral palsy were not adequately served. Among the institutions providing physical therapy identified in the West Bank were UPMRC, Save the Children Foundation, Medecins Sans Frontiers, Bethlehem Arab Society, Makassed Hospital, Augusta Victoria Hospital and Mt. David Hospital.

The survey was aimed at discovering needs for physical therapy services, especially those of the Intifada injured. Thirteen percent of 83 potential physical therapy patients lacked physical therapy services. Fear of army harassment, shame, curfews and strikes were among the leading factors that affected the type and the number of patients receiving physical therapy services.

Sixty physical therapists and 82 assistant physical therapists were identified in the area. Local training capabilities for physical therapist were outlined.

The author concludes that the physical therapy needs in the Occupied Territories are covered (although a clear explanation of this conclusion in not presented) and that there is need for more cooperation between orthopedic workshops and physical therapy departments in the different institutions.