1. Al-Qutob, R., Mawajdeh, S., Nawar, L., Saidi, S., and Raad, F. Assessing the Quality of Reproductive Health Services. The Policy Series in Reproductive Health, No. 5 Reproductive Health Working Group for the Population Council Regional Office for West Asia and North Africa, 1998: 23 pp.
This paper offers a broad definition of quality of care, presents a comprehensive conceptual framework for the assessment of quality of reproductive health services and methodological approaches for its measurement. It presents three studies that were conducted between 1990 and 1991 by members of the regional Reproductive Health Working Group (RHWG) from Jordan, Egypt, and Tunisia. The studies provide examples of application of the framework and its measurement using multiple data sources. Selected findings are presented to illustrate comparative results between countries. Based on the lessons learned from the studies, examples of reproductive health interventions that may improve the quality of care are presented.