11. Najjab, S. Laws and Women’s Health in Palestine. Center for Development in Primary Health Care, presented at the Women’s World Conference 1999, Tromso-Norway, 1999: 5 pp.
This paper deals with women’s rights and how they pertain to women’s health in Palestine through an analysis of the laws that directly and indirectly affect women’s health. Today there are six legal systems that are still in force in Palestine: Turkish Ottoman law, British Mandate, Egyptian law, Jordanian law, Israeli military orders, and legislation by the Palestinian Authority. The Women’s Center for Legal and Social Counseling, along with other Palestinian NGO’s, began a project to review all laws that influence women and laws were thus broken down in the following three categories: (1) legislation that influences health policies and services, (2) legislation that influences women’s health indicators, and (3) legislation on education and human resource development. The conclusion of the paper presents a review of the laws and principles that form a policy that should be implemented for the improvement of the laws that govern women’s health.