14 Salefity,R. Violence against Women: Battered Wives Phenomenon. An Empirical Investigation in Ramallah and its Camps. Master’s Thesis, University of Baghdad, 1996: 120pp.
The main objective of this study is to investigate the extent of the presence of the phenomenon of the battered spouses in Ramallah and its surrounding Camps. The second objective of this study is to analyze the impact of some of the structural factors related to this phenomenon and how it affects the spouses. A sample of 300 women living in Ramallah and the camps surrounding it were requested to fill out a questionnaire. The results were as follows: the rate of battered wives in the camps were higher than that in the city, the age difference between the couple was seen as a factor contributing to wife beating in the camps but not the city, there was a small correlation between the educational level of the wife and the phenomenon of wife beating, there was a relationship between the husband’s job situation and wife beating in the city but no such relationship in the camps, as for the wife’s job situation, in both the city and the camps, it had no relationship with her being beaten, there was a relationship between family income and number of children and wife beating in the city only, and finally there is no relation between wife beating in polygamous marriages.