18. Hamadeh-Banerjee, L., Buringa, J., Pedersen, B. R., Saba-Hanna, L., and Wirak, A. At the Crossroads: Challenges and Choices for Palestinian Women in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. New York: UNDP, 1994: 161 pp.

This report is based on a UNDP mission that attempted to establish Palestinian women's needs during the period of transition after the signing of the Declaration of Principles in 1993. The mission also aimed to identify policy and program initiatives that would build on the existing Palestinian capacity to meet needs related to women's issues. The status of women in Palestinian society is described in terms of governance, the economic sector, and human resource development. A relatively large section is devoted to health in regards to women. This discussion includes descriptions and recommendations related to the health care infrastructure, health insurance and fees, existing human resources, health planning and policy, gender-specific health needs, mental health and disability, and children's health.