23. Palestinian Coalition for Women’s Health. Palestinian National Policy for Women’s Health. BZUCHU, 1994: 8 pp.
In Arabic and English.

This document discusses the need for adopting a national policy for women’s health, as viewed by the group of health institutions forming the coalition. The document calls for a comprehensive understanding of women’s health based on the perception of health as a fundamental human right. Recommendations for women's health policy include: 1) meeting the health needs of women at different stages of their life cycle, 2) forging linkages between the health and other sectors, 3) including women working within the domestic sphere in national health insurance and social security benefits, 4) enforcing good medical standards, as well as an effective monitoring and evaluation system, and 5) conducting research in the area of women’s health. Other recommendations are presented at the program level, the legal level and the level of fostering gender equity within the health care system.