5. Haj-Ahmad,J. Knowledge about Menopause and Attitudes toward Menopause Among the Palestinian Women Living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Master’s Thesis, Brigham Young University, 1996: 48pp.
This study determined knowledge and attitudes toward menopause among the Palestinian women living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It also examines the relationship between women’s knowledge and attitudes toward menopause and their background characteristics. Sources of information about menopause were also assessed. Data were collected from 138 women aged 39 to 60 years living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The study found that women have a moderate level of understanding about the various aspects of menopause. The have a misconception about age of menopause, which could be attributed to folk beliefs. Women with more education and with accessible journals and books as their source of information about menopause performed better on the knowledge questionnaire. Attitudes of women were overall positive. A low positive correlation existed between the monthly income and attitudes of women toward menopause. Women how had relatives and friends as their main source of information about menopause had more positive attitudes toward menopause. No correlation existed between having health professionals as the main source of information about menopause and knowledge and attitudes of women toward menopause. Health professionals could provide more information to the Palestinian women about psychological changes occurring, and about the availability of treatment to relieve their symptoms.