7. Health Development Information and Policy Institute and the Population Council. Involving Men in their Wives’ Postpartum Care in Palestine. Ramallah: HDIP and the Population council, 2002: 29pp.

In this pilot study, the state of men’s awareness and involvement in women and men’s reproductive health care was evaluated in Jenin and Nablus. The specific objectives of the study were: 1. to identify culturally sensitive mechanisms for approaching husbands and\or influential males in order to increase the their knowledge and perceptions about the health care needs of both women and newborns during the antenatal and postpartum period, including family planning, 2. to identify specific program interventions that encourage husbands and influential males to support antenatal and postpartum health care needs for women and newborns including family planning, and 3. to identify appropriate programmatic interventions that increase male knowledge about STIs and HIV/AIDS prevention practices, including dual protection.