1. Al-Aqtum, M.T. Family-planning-1.htm

  2. Donati,S., Hamam,R., and Medda,E.  Family planning KAP survey in Gaza. 2000: 9p

  3. Health Development Information and Policy Institute. Involving Men in Their Wives’ Postpartum Care in Palestine.2002: 28p.

  4. Kaileh, M. Study on The Discontinuation of Family Planning Services and Reasons: West Bank Field.1996: 26p.

  5. Kaileh, M. Current Practices of Contraceptive Use: West Bank Field. 1996: 30p.

  6. Madi,H. Contraceptive practices among Palestinian Refugee Women using the UNRWA MCH Centre at Nuzha, Jordan.1998: 9p.

  7. 'Abdeen, Z. and Barghouthi, F. Evaluation of Family Planning Services In the West Bank and Gaza Strip.1994: 161p.

  8. Afifi, M. F. and Ismail, N. A. Men’s Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Regarding Family Planning, Sexual and Reproductive Health and the Empowerment of Women in Palestine. 1997: 47p.

  9. Anderson, J.E., Becker, S., Guinena, A.H. and McCarthy, B.J. Breast Feeding Effects on Birth Interval Components: A Prospective Child Health Study in Gaza. 1986: 8p.

  10. Dakkak, H. Reproductive Health Education Project - Jenin. 1997: 110p.

  11. Family Planning and Protection Association (West Bank). A Pilot Study. Women and Abortion in the West Bank of Jordan. 1981: 67p.

  12. Family Planning and Protection Association (West Bank). Mothers and the IUDs. 1989: 63p.

  13. Family Planning and Protection Association (West Bank). Sex Education in the Occupied Territories, West Bank. A Pilot Study. 1990.

  14. Family Planning and Protection Association. Legal and Social Obstacles for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Palestine. 1997: 64p.

  15. Hudson, A. Fertility and Family Planning in a West Bank Village. undated: 29p.

  16. Ismail, N. and Shahin, M. Family Planning and Women's Reproductive Health Survey. 1996: 62p.

  17. El-Yahya, H. M. Report on an Agency-wide Study on Current Practices of Contraceptive Use among Mothers of Children 0-3 Years of Age Attending UNRWA MCH Clinics. 1997: 29p.