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  4. 'Awwad, E.J., Khoury, M.H. Psychosocial Rehabilitation of the Palestinian Intifada Injured Adolescents: A Group Experience.

  5. Baker, A. The Psychological Impact of the Intifada on Palestinian Children in the Occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip: An Exploratory Study.

  6. Khamis, V. Coping With Stress: Palestinian Families and Intifada-Related Trauma.

  7. Punamäki, R. Impact of Political Change on the Psychological Stress Process Among West Bank Palestinian Women.

  8. Qouta, S., Punamäki, R. L., and El Sarraj, E. The Impact of the Peace Treaty on Psychological Well-Being: A Follow-Up Study of Palestinian Children.

  9. Qouta, S., Punamäki, R. L., and El Sarraj, E. House Demolition and Mental Health: Victims and Witnesses.

  10. Qouta, S., Punamäki, R. L., and El Sarraj, E. Prison Experiences and Coping Styles Among Palestinian Men.

  11. Qouta, S. and El Sarraj, E. Palestinian Children Under Curfew.

  12. El-Sarraj, E. Torture and Mental Health: The Experience of Palestinians in Israeli Prisons.

  13. El Sarraj, E. Peace and States of Mind.

  14. El Sarraj, E., Punamäki, R. L., Salmi, S., and Summerfield, D. Experiences of Torture and Ill-Treatment and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms among Palestinian Political Prisoners.

  15. El Sarraj, E. and Lasch, E.E. Integration of Mental Health Services and the Community in Gaza.

  16. El Sarraj, E. The Psycho-political State of the Palestinians Before and After the Intifada.

  17. El Sarraj, E. Children of the Intifada, Victims and Heroes.

  18. El Sarraj, E. Gaza: The Intifada and Mental Health.

  19. El Sarraj, E., Abu Tawahina, A., Abu Hein, F. The Palestinians: A Story of Uprooting.

  20. El Sarraj, E., Saba, R.I. The Palestinian Children and Human Rights (English and Arabic).

  21. El Sarraj, E.R. Mental Health of the Palestinians Under Occupation.

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  25. Rabaia, Y., Nguyen-Gillham, V., & Giacaman, R. The Gaza Diamond: drawings and wishes of Palestinian teenagers. 2011. 9(1), 44-52.

  26. Abu-Rmeileh, N., Hammoudeh, W., Giacaman, R . Humanitarian crisis and social suffering in Gaza Strip: an initial analysis of aftermath of latest Israeli war. 2010. The Lancet.

  27. Giacaman, R., Rabaia, Y., Nguyen-Gillham, V., Batniji, R., Punamaki, R.L., Summerfield, D. Mental health, social distress and political oppression: The case of the occupied Palestinian territory .2011.12 p

  28. Rabaia, Y., Giacaman, R., Nguyen-Gillham, V. Violence and Adolescent Mental Health in the Occupied Palestinian Territory: A Contextual Approach. 2010. 7 p

  29. Rabaia, Y., Nguyen-Gillham, V., Giacaman, R. Do victims of violence need psychodynamic treatment? Invited commentary. 2010.3p

  30. Giacaman, R., Abu-Rmeileh, N., Husseini, A., Saab, H. , Boyce, W. Humiliation: the invisible trauma of war for Palestinian youth. 2007. 10p

  31. Giacaman, R., Mataria, A., Nguyen-Gillham, V., Abu Safieh, R., Stefanini, A. , Chatterji, S. Quality of life in the Palestinian context: An inquiry in war-like conditions. 2007. 17p

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