1. Garber, R. ‘Professional-to-Professional’ A Methodology for Health Professionals Working Together in Conflict Areas. December 2001: 7pp

  2. Giacaman, R., Abdul-Rahim, H., and Wick, L. Health Sector Reform in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT): Targeting the Forest or the Trees? Birzeit: BZUICPH, undated: 16pp.

  3. Habasch, R. The Evolving Relationship between the Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees and the Palestinian Authority. 1999: 49p.

  4. Hamdan, M. and Defever, M. Human resources for health in Palestine: a policy analysis.Part I: Current situation and recent developments. 2003: 17p.

  5. Hamdan, M. and Defever, M. Human resources for health in Palestine: a policy analysis.Part II: The process of policy formulation and implementation. 2003:13p.Part II: The process of policy formulation and implementation. 2003:13p.

  6. Hamdan, M., Defever, M. and Abdeen, Z. Organizing Health Care Within Political Turmoil: the Palestinian Case. 2003: 25p.

  7. Hamdan,M., and Defever,M. A ‘transitional’ context for health policy development: the Palestinian case. 2002: 15p.

  8. Health Development Information and Policy Institute. An Evaluation of the Health Services Provided to People with Special Needs and the Recommended Priorities for their Development. Dialogue on Health Policies’ Series Number 6. 1997: 17p

  9. Health, Development, Information and Policy Institute. The Future of Hospital Services in Palestine: A Coordination Workshop on Hospital Care. Policy Dialogue Project Series Number 5. 1999: 52pp.

  10. Health, Development, Information and Policy Institute. Towards Better and Cost-effective Hospital Care: The Coordination Workshop Between MOH, NGOs, UNRWA and Private Hospitals. Policy Dialogue Series Number 4. 1998: 25pp.

  11. Health Development Information and Policy Institute. Creation of a Unified Management Information System for three NGOs in West Bank/Gaza . 2002: 50pp.

  12. Lewando-Hundt, G., Abed, Y., Skeik, M., Beckerleg, S., and El Alem, A. Addressing birth in Gaza: Using Qualitative Methods to Improve Vital Registration.1999: 11p.

  13. Mataria, A., Giacaman, R., Khatib, R., and Moatti, J. Impoverishment  and  Patients Willingness  and  Ability  to Pay for  Improving the  Quality  of  Health  Care  in  Palestine:  an  Assessment Using the Contingent Valuation  Method. 2003: 31pp

  14. Planning and Research Center. Community-Oriented Health Management Information System Jerusalem: PRC, 1996: 120pp.

  15. Planning and Research Center. A National Health Plan for the Palestinian People. 1992: 134 pp.

  16. Shankar, R.A. Analyzing Health Initiatives as Bridges towards Peace during Complex Humanitarian Emergencies and the Roles of Actors and Economic Aid in Making These Bridges Sustainable .1998: 86pp.

  17. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/ World Bank. West Bank and Gaza: Medium-Term Development Strategy for the Health Sector. 1998: 158pp

  18. Zatari, D., Tahboub, R., Nahawanda, M., and Aljabari, T. Design and implementation of a telemedicine system in Palestine. 1999: 3p.

  1. 'Abdeen, Z. A Health Strategy for the Occupied Territories.

  2. 'Abdeen, Z. Palestinian Health Strategy - The Challenges Ahead.

  3. 'Abdeen, Z., Afifi, A. K., and Morriss, F. H. Towards the Establishment of a Palestinian Medical School.

  4. 'Abdul-Jalil, N. and Alami, M. The Needs and Requirements for Universal Health Insurance In Palestine: Questions And Answers. (Arabic).

  5. 'Abu-Hwaij, A. R. Policy Implications for Reproductive Health Care Delivery in the Rural West Bank. (Arabic and English)

  6. Adler, Y. Report of the Joint Planning Committee on Health Services in Judea and Samaria.

  7. Al-Agha, Z. Health Needs in the Gaza Strip.

  8. 'Ayed, N. Needs Assessment of Continuing Education for Nursing: West Bank and Gaza.

  9. Barghouthi, M. The Role of NGOs and Foreign Assistance in Meeting the Economic and Social Requirements of the Palestinian People.

  10. Barghouthi, M. Achieving Coordination in Health.

  11. Barghouthi, M. Palestinian Health: Towards a Healthy Development Strategy in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

  12. Barghouthi, M. and Giacaman, R. The Emergence of an Infrastructure of Resistance: The Case of Health.

  13. Barghouthi, M. and Lennock, J. Health in Palestine: Potential and Challenges. MAS Discussion Papers. (Arabic and English)

  14. Benvenisti, M. US Government Funded Projects in the West Bank and Gaza (1977-1983).

  15. Birzeit University Community Health Unit. A Review of Health Standards and Services in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

  16. Endresen, L., Hanssen-Bauer, J., and Pedersen, J. Availability of Public Health Data for Palestinian Refugees. Paper prepared for the Middle-East Negotiations: Multilateral Working Group on Refugees, Rome, January 1997.

  17. Family Planning and Protection Association. Coordination of Palestinian Organizations in the Field to Confront Problems Facing Palestinian Families. Proceedings of a training course held in Jerusalem between 25-27 May 1989. (Arabic)

  18. Fasheh, V. Needs Assessment for In-service Education.

  19. Gallardo, A. A. HIV/AIDS Education in the Middle East: The First Regional Training Workshop on HIV/AIDS Education in the Middle East. Post Workshop Monitoring and Evaluation Project.

  20. Gaza Health Services Research Center. Health Management Information System: Strategic Plan.

  21. Giacaman, R. Planning for Health in Occupied Palestine.

  22. Giacaman, R. Primary Health Care Training: An Assessment of Needs in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

  23. Giel, R., Gilbert, M., O'Hanlon, K. and Spier, W. Needs Assessment in Respect of Emergency Medical Care in UNRWA Clinics and Non-governmental Hospitals of the West Bank and Gaza.

  24. Guirguis, T., Kharabsheh, S., and Ortiz, T. Assessment of EPI Diseases Surveillance.

  25. Hamed, O. and Al-Botmeh, S. The Role of Insurance in Health Care Delivery. (Arabic and English)

  26. Health Development Information Project. The HDIP Health NGOs Workshop on the Question of Coordination Between the Non governmental Health Sector and the Ministry of Health. Policy Dialogue Series, Number 1.

  27. Health Development Information Project. Sharing Responsibility: Second Coordination Workshop between the Health NGO Sector and the Palestinian Ministry of Health. Policy Dialogue Series, Number 2.

  28. Health, Development, Information and Policy Institute. Coordinating Primary Health Care: Third Coordination Workshop between the Health NGO Sector and the Palestinian Ministry of Health. Policy Dialogue Series, Number 3.

  29. Health, Development, Information and Policy Institute. Summary of a Series of Policy Dialogue Workshops: Perspectives on Coordination and Cooperation Between Health NGOs and the Palestinian Ministry of Health. (Arabic)

  30. Health Services Management Unit, Palestinian Ministry of Health. Health Management Training Needs Assessment - West Bank and Gaza Strip.

  31. Husseini, R. The Palestinian Health Plan: Visions, Dreams, Hopes, Nightmares.

  32. International People’s Health Council. The Concept of Health Under National Democratic Struggle.

  33. Ismail, N. A., Alami, M., and Hammad, A. Palestinian Universal Health Insurance: Questions and Answers.

  34. Italian Cooperation. Public Health Perspectives for Palestinian Refugees: Technical Justification.

  35. Junk, D. and Kelaher, D. Approaches to Universal Health Insurance for the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

  36. Kattan, W. V. and Browning, D. M. The Development Of The Central Public Health Laboratory - Its Relationships With Ministries And The Legislative Framework In Which It Operates.

  37. Kessler, S., Hamlin, R., Salvo, J., Vuturo, A., and Shutt, M. West Bank Health Care Assessment.

  38. Khammash, U. Non-Governmental Organizations in the Health Sector at a Turning-Point.

  39. Khammash, U. A Medical School Is Not A Health Development Priority In Our Country. (Arabic)

  40. Lennock, J. and Shubita, A. Health Insurance and Health Service Utilization in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

  41. Massoud, R. Appraisal of Policies and Practices in the Management of Diarrhea among Children under Five Years of Age in Major Palestinian Health Care Providers.

  42. McCarthy, B. J. and Atrash, H. K. An Assessment of Epidemiology, Tuberculosis Control, Diabetes Control, HIV/STD, and the Maternal and Child Health Program, Palestinian National Authority Ministry of Health.

  43. Nazzal, D. Current Status of Health Care in the West Bank.

  44. Palestine Council of Health, Nursing Policy Unit. Requirements and Guidelines for the Accreditation of Nursing Education Programs in Palestine.

  45. Palestine Council of Health, Nursing Policy Unit. The Nursing Human Resource in Palestine.

  46. Palestine Council of Health, Quality of Health Care Unit. The Operational Program for the Quality of Health Care Unit for the Year: 1995/1996.

  47. Palestine Council of Health, Quality of Health Care Unit. The Strategic Plan for Quality of Health Care in Palestine.

  48. Palestine Red Crescent Society. Structuring of the Primary Health Care Services in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

  49. Palestine Red Crescent Society and Palestine Council of Health. The Interim Action Plan: Addressing Immediate Health Needs for Palestinians, 1 January, 1994 - 31 December, 1995. Draft - Unofficial Document.

  50. Palestinian Authority and UNICEF. Programme of Cooperation for Palestinian Children and Women in the West Bank and Gaza: Master Plan of Operations, 1998-2000.

  51. Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. Health Survey in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, 1996: Analytical Report Series No. 2: Health Insurance and the Use of Health Care Institutions.

  52. Palestinian Ministry of Health. National Strategic Health Plan -Palestine (1999-2003).

  53. Palestinian Ministry of Health. Public Health Perspectives for Palestinian People: Health Management Information System.

  54. Palestinian Ministry of Health. Public Health Perspectives for Palestinian People: Institution Building.

  55. Palestinian Ministry of Health. Public Health Perspectives for Palestinian People: Primary Health Care & Hospital Care in Palestine.

  56. Planning and Research Center. The National Health Plan for the Palestinian People.

  57. Policy Research Incorporated. Health Status and Health Services in the West Bank and Gaza Strip: Health Care Facilities Feasibility Study, West Bank/Gaza.

  58. Qutteina, M. Z. Using the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model in the Creation of a Training Guide for Designing Health Promotion Activities in the Context of Developing Countries (with a Focus on Palestine).

  59. Schnitzer, J. J. Development and Human Rights in the Gaza Strip and West Bank - Defending the Rights of the Poor: The Socio-economic Impact of the Oslo Agreements on the Lives of Palestinians in Gaza - Health.

  60. Schnitzer, J.J. and Roy, S.M. Health Services in Gaza Under the Autonomy Plan.

  61. Shahin, V. A. Nursing Administration in Palestine.

  62. Terre des Hommes. A Review of the Situation in the West Bank and Gaza. Recommendations for a Policy Strategy for Terre des Hommes for the Period July 1993 to December 1994.

  63. UNICEF. The Strategy for the 1992-1994 UNICEF Program of Cooperation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

  64. United Nations Development Program. 1992 Compendium of External Assistance to the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

  65. United Nations Development Program. 1993 Compendium of External Assistance to the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

  66. UNRWA. Four-Year Forward Planning, 1995-1998: Draft.

  67. USAID, Asia/Near East Bureau. Palestinian Health Systems Support Project.

  68. World Bank. Developing the Occupied Territories. An Investment in Peace. Volume 6: Human Resources and Social Policy.

  69. World Bank. West Bank and Gaza Medium Term Development Strategy and Public Financing Priorities for the Health Sector. Volume I: Main Report.

  70. World Bank. West Bank and Gaza Medium Term Development Strategy and Public Financing Priorities for the Health Sector. Volume II: Annexes.

  71. WHO Collaborating Center in Health Manpower Development. Health Manpower in the West Bank. A Preliminary Study.

  72. WHO/UNRWA Review Team. Review of Primary Health Care in Palestinian Refugee Camps Under UNRWA, the Gaza Field Report.

  73. WHO/UNRWA Review Team. Review of Primary Health Care in Palestinian Refugee Camps Under UNRWA. The West Bank Field Report.